Sunday, September 9, 2012

Recent sketches

 Towards the end of August the local Kingfishers fledged another family. Unfortunately I was a little late and the 2 or 3 juveniles were being driven off by the adults allowing no sketching opportunities. Fortunately, a lot of recently fledged herons and adults have been showing very well on the many fallen branches.

 I have also spent a bit of time working on sketches of goshawks and sparrowhawks from the Sligo eagles flying centre. They have one young female gos and 3 sparrowhawks. It is great to see the bulk of the gos and compare it to the slim and tiny sparrowhawks. It would be great to see the differences in flight.


  1. Great the sketches of the Northern Goshawk and the Eurasian Sparrowhawk.


  2. Beautiful sketches - I especially like the two of the goshawk!
